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Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao Meets with Turkish President Gul
2009-06-26 16:26

On June 26, 2009, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao met with visiting Turkish President Abdullah Gul in Ziguangge, Zhongnanhai.

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao meets with visiting Turkish President Abdullah Gul in Ziguangge, Zhongnanhai in Beijing

During the meeting, Wen said both countries share important consensus on safeguarding world peace, promoting inter-civilization dialogue and achieving common development. China is ready to work with Turkey to strengthen communication, offer mutual support and deepen cooperation in a bid to push bilateral ties to be more solid and dynamic.

Wen pointed out that the international financial crisis has caused great damage to both China and Turkey, so the two countries should take feasible and effective measures in a mutually beneficial and open spirit to maintain stable and balanced development of trade. He urged the two countries to expand cooperation and encourage their businesses to increase investment in each other's country. Wen said both China and Turkey, as two influential developing countries, should enhance coordination, safeguard common interest, and raise the representation and say of developing countries in international financial organizations, so as to promote the balanced and all-win development of economic globalization which will bring benefit to all countries.

Gul said Turkey and China have always been supporting and helping each other and share broad consensus on major international and regional issues. Turkey highly praises China's enormous achievements in its economic and social development, he said, adding that Turkey hopes to work with China to further tap potential of bilateral economic cooperation and lift the ties to a new level.

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