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Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Zhijun Meets with Editor-in-Chief Reuters News
2009-09-16 14:05

On September 16, 2009, Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Zhijun met with David Schlesinger, Editor-in-Chief Reuters News. Zhang said that despite the remarkable achievements made by China since the founding of the new China 60 years ago, China is still a developing country, whose primary task is to pursue development. The international media get increasingly interested in China in recent years and have played an important role in increasing the international community's understanding and knowledge of China. Zhang hoped that the Reuters, an internationally influential media, could have an objective and comprehensive coverage of China. Zhang also introduced China's economic development and the measures taken by China to address the international financial crisis.

David Schlesinger said that he could feel the dramatic changes of China every time he came to China. China has made significant achievements in various areas including economic development. China is increasingly showing an open and transparent side, which will help the outside world know more about China. The Reuters thinks highly of China's position and role and has increased the resources to report China in recent years with a view to giving a comprehensive and objective introduction of China to the audience and thereby winning the broader space for the Reuters.

On the same day, Director-General Ma Zhaoxu of the Information Department and David Schlesinger exchanged views on topics such as China's foreign policies, the role and guidance of the media, and public diplomacy.

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